Event engagement is an integral part of hosting a successful event no matter if it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid. One way to boost engagement and keep your event exciting is by hosting a contest and our Photo Booth Platform can help!
Here are some examples of our clients using their photo booths for contests:

Power to Care
FPL’s Power to Care Week is an annual event hosted to encourage volunteers and employees to participate in a variety of service projects. For the thirteenth year of this event, FPL launched the 2021 Power to Care, Serving Apart Together campaign that featured safe, remote volunteer projects. They invited everyone involved to be a part of their photo booth and take photos of themselves volunteering. Employees were then encouraged to share their photos on social media using their designated department hashtags, to be entered into their "Power to Care" contest. There were over 680 volunteers across 10 states participating in the Serving Apart Together campaign.
Features: Custom Frames, Snapbar Sticker Pack, Static Mosaic Post-Campaign

Burger Hack 2020: McDonald's Hackathon
At the end of 2020, McDonald’s hosted its 3rd annual hackathon but for the first time, it was done virtually. Over 36 hours, about 700 contributors from 22 countries worked together to come up with new and innovative solutions. To engage with their attendees and build a sense of community, they used our Virtual Photo Booth and encouraged their users to share their photos on social media using a specific hashtag, to enter a contest. The next year for Burger Hack 2021, McDonald’s used our Virtual Photo Booth again; each year they’ve used custom virtual backgrounds with the event name to make the photos unique.
With a customized closing message on their photo booth they instructed users to share their photos to enter the contest: “You look awesome! Don't forget to share your snap on LinkedIn or Instagram with the hashtags: #burgerhack2020, #mcdhackathon and tag your role #mcdemployee or #mcdcontractor to be entered into our Burger Hack Social Media Contests!”
Features: Virtual Backgrounds, Custom Frames, Custom Stickers, Embed Code

PyCon APAC 2021
Our Virtual Photo Booth is a great addition to online conferences. PyCon APAC 2021 used a photo booth as a fun engagement tool for event attendees to interact with between keynote speakers and workshops. To get people excited for the event, users were encouraged to post their photos on social media to be entered in their selfie contest.
Features: Virtual Backgrounds, Custom Frames, Custom Stickers, Embed Code

What makes for a good contest prize?
Users are more excited and willing to participate in your event and booth when they know there's fun and interesting prizes. Common contest prizes and giveaway ideas we've seen from our clients include
- Swag bags
- Gift cards
- Event tickets
- Gift baskets
- Popular products

Final thoughts...
Running a contest through social media is a win-win for event attendees and hosts; it provides a sense of community and connectivity for attendees and marketing material and advertising for hosts. If you’re interested in using our Virtual Photo Booth and running a contest please reach out to our team! We’re excited to hear from you!