In today's digital age, headshots are a crucial component of professional branding. They serve as the first impression that potential employers, clients, and colleagues will have, and they can either enhance or detract from your professional image.
It's important to keep your corporate headshot up to date, and here are a few key reasons why:
Your appearance may change
This may be obvious but your appearance can change significantly over time. If your headshot doesn't reflect your current appearance, it can be jarring for people who meet you in person or see you on video. Keeping your headshot up to date ensures that your online presence is consistent with your real-life appearance. You may also change your career path and want to alter your professional image to better align with the role you currently have, or are seeking.

It shows you're invested in your career
When you keep your headshot up to date (and high quality), it sends a message that you're invested in your career and take your professional brand seriously. It also shows that you're committed to presenting yourself in the best possible light and want people to see who you are, no matter what your personal image may be.

It reflects your current level of experience
Your headshot can also convey your level of experience in your field, industry, or specialty. If your headshot is clearly several years old, it may give the impression that you're less experienced than you actually are. By updating your personal image regularly, you can ensure that your online presence accurately reflects your current role, expertise, and professional accomplishments. View our headshot example gallery for more inspiration.
Snapbar can guide you through updating your headshot with our online Studio platform, Professional Headshots for Individuals.

It helps you stand out
In a competitive and largely digital job market, having a professional and up-to-date headshot can help you quickly stand out from the crowd. NOT having a headshot is also a great way to stand out in a negative way. A great headshot can convey confidence, approachability, and professionalism, all of which are qualities that employers and clients are looking for. Here are dozens of examples of great professional headshots for some inspiration.

It's an easy way to refresh your online presence
Updating your headshot is a quick and easy way to refresh your online presence. By following some headshot best practices and keeping your headshot up to date, you can ensure that your LinkedIn profile, website, email, and other online profiles look fresh and modern. This can make a big difference in how you're perceived by potential employers, clients, and colleagues. If you want to take your own headshot, check out these helpful resources:
- Take a great professional headshot at home
- What to wear for professional headshots
- The best professional headshot poses
- More tips for a great headshot
Keeping your headshot up to date is a simple but important way to invest in your professional brand. By ensuring that your online presence accurately reflects your current appearance, level of experience, and the career path you want to pursue, you can set yourself up for success in whatever comes next. If you just can't figure out your specific look, view some of our favorite headshot ideas.