Coming soon

The Next-Gen AI Video Booth For Events

Elevate your event experiences using an AI video booth that immerses users in their own personalized AI video portrait reel.

Cutting Edge

Captivate your audience by aligning your brand with the latest AI technology.

Truly Experiential

Immerse users in custom videos scripted & generated for your brand.

Highly Accessible

Engage people as a photo booth, on mobile devices, or integrated with online experiences.

What is an AI Video Booth?

Welcome to the future of event engagement. Our AI Video Booth revolutionizes how users experience user-generated content at events. Imagine each attendee transformed into the star of their own AI-generated portrait video.

  • Fully customizable branding
  • State-of-the-art generative AI
  • Seamless portrait-to-video transformation
  • Accessible from any device
  • No staffing needed
  • Delivered via email in seconds

Snapbar's AI Video Booth gives event marketers the power to create custom AI video microsites, unlocking new levels of attendee engagement and social sharing.

What’s possible with AI Video?

We’re still in early stages of testing this technology - working directly with AI tech providers and engineers as they release new features. Every week introduces new advancements, so we’re bullish on offering this to customers in the coming months.

Have an idea you want to explore? Submit the form below and let’s collaborate!

Request Early Access for AI Video
This product is still in development, but we’re excited to introduce it soon and your ideas help us get there. Let us know what you have in mind!